++++++   Persönliche Lösungsfindung und Begleitung in Krisenzeiten.   ++++++   Buchen Sie bei mir individuelle Zeiteinheiten.   ++++++   Mir ist es wichtig, Menschen auf Augenhöhe diskret, vertrauensvoll zu begegnen und sie mit ihren Anliegen zu unterstützen.   ++++++   

body cell frequency balancing

Every organ, every body cell vibrates at its own frequency. This frequency is measured in hertz. If this oscillation gets out of step, changes in the function itself can arise or lead to diseases in the progression. Nowadays it is feasible to give an impulse so that the originally healthy vibration can be established by the body itself and/or the body can take up the restoration.

Shortened and/or in-depth recovery processes are possible. Example: after surgery, dentures etc.

In addition, specific frequencies can be taken as compensation. Expamples: When stress factors underlie or as an impetus for rejuvenation processes.