++++++   Persönliche Lösungsfindung und Begleitung in Krisenzeiten.   ++++++   Buchen Sie bei mir individuelle Zeiteinheiten.   ++++++   Mir ist es wichtig, Menschen auf Augenhöhe diskret, vertrauensvoll zu begegnen und sie mit ihren Anliegen zu unterstützen.   ++++++   

IFA system constellations

IFA means to be that individual person in the origin, who is connected and can live with all its possibilities and potentials. IFA work is going there. People live what really matters and what they want to live for.

The term IFA comes from Africa (Nigeria) and is based on ancient African-shamanic knowledge.

Even today this kind of work is being successfully applied to change certain situations in many countries world-wide.

In Europe, this kind of work is known and widely accepted as “family constellations”.

The difference between these known constellation systems is that most performers working in that field don´t have an initiated and energetic original basis but apply this method for troubleshooting and problem solving in a rather technical constellation- and relationship construct.  This might be a promising  groundwork in many cases, especially when it comes to revealing “original and problem areas”.  But not in the original sense to energetically initiate the fields that are needed to induce long-term change simultaneously.

Possible applications are similar to the problems in familiar constellations of family, life and company.

The aim is to implement balancing initiations to enable a harmonious life worth living according to a new order.

So far this method is one of the most efficient options to bring about change and improvement and to create a substantial basis for change and healing processes of any kind.