++++++   Persönliche Lösungsfindung und Begleitung in Krisenzeiten.   ++++++   Buchen Sie bei mir individuelle Zeiteinheiten.   ++++++   Mir ist es wichtig, Menschen auf Augenhöhe diskret, vertrauensvoll zu begegnen und sie mit ihren Anliegen zu unterstützen.   ++++++   


After all, everything here on planet earth is a question of energy, energy structures and their correlations.

It is possible to change negative structures through energetic transformations (initiations). This however can only be done by specially trained and qualified persons

What´s important here is the attitude and the way of living of the client.

Here a few examples:

Daily life is full of obstacles, whether they are professional , financial or health problems, conflicts or losses. Everything has its origin. And this is what has to be processed energetically and factually so that new ways and possibilities occur. The client is being involved with small tasks or supported with those. Nothing can be created out of nothing.

In conversation I can find out which options for balance can be applicable.

Also further tests take place in order to selectively start at a point that allows quick improvement and change.

In addition a one-time birth-life-code-reading is helpful because it shows why negative situations have been brought into this life and which positive aspects can be strengthened. At the same time, the reading allows you to gain deeper access to your own qualities you have brought into this life.