++++++   Persönliche Lösungsfindung und Begleitung in Krisenzeiten.   ++++++   Buchen Sie bei mir individuelle Zeiteinheiten.   ++++++   Mir ist es wichtig, Menschen auf Augenhöhe diskret, vertrauensvoll zu begegnen und sie mit ihren Anliegen zu unterstützen.   ++++++   

remote coaching


Contents listed under private and business coaching as well as under health coaching are primarily discussed  via Skype coaching as needed.

New holistic methods enable long-distance work. Depending on what´s needed.

In cases where it is necessary to be on site or in a practice personal appointments are made.



Sometimes all that is needed is an impetus for change. That´s why I offer “programs for self-help” via remote coaching.

I accompany you for one year (with prior agreement concerning time), allowing jointly developed changes to manifest for you to feel safer dealing with new challenges.

This way you safe a lot of time and feel safe and individually advised and supported.

Specially recommended if your daily life is out of balance and depressions start to occur. (Special tests by colleagues support this matter.)