++++++   Persönliche Lösungsfindung und Begleitung in Krisenzeiten.   ++++++   Buchen Sie bei mir individuelle Zeiteinheiten.   ++++++   Mir ist es wichtig, Menschen auf Augenhöhe diskret, vertrauensvoll zu begegnen und sie mit ihren Anliegen zu unterstützen.   ++++++   

about me

Intensive years of professional experience in sales, organisation and corporate development (leading management).

Economic background: economist, trainer and economics lecturer for many years.

Enhancement of professional profile: nationally and internationally certified special trainings in the field of health; training authorisation and recognition “shamanic alternative health support with unique selling points".

Teaching and seminar activities in Germany and abroad.

Private commitment: youth and educational support; mindfulness based stress reduction; social and ecological value ethics; proponents of the Blue Economy - economic processes are driven by nature.

My commitment is focused on implementing positive sustainable value for future generations.


From my long-term work experience: Every person and every company is its own ecosystem and therefore has to be viewed and treated individually with own needs and concerns. In addition it stands in relation to its environment. Therefore the respective approach will be discussed and tested specifically in order to guarantee the best results. A healthy awareness of valuable life is the basis for making personal experiences of positive change through active involvement and understanding. Comprehensive advice and individual support, integrated in mental and energetic work, provide the opportunity to build a new stable foundation together. 

I love working with people who have and pursue objectives and want to reach their goals.

I cooperate - if neccessary - with selected specialists and colleagues working in the fields of medicine, alternative medicine and/or psychology and others.